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Led by Jameson Irish whiskey, the world’s best-selling Irish whiskey, our brands are driving the global renaissance of Irish whiskey and are exported to over 130 markets.

At the core of everything we do is a passion for our craft, a commitment to sustainability and an ambition to create drinks that can be enjoyed the world over. We employ over 800 people across our operations in Cork, Dublin and Belfast.

We are passionate about what we do. We have kept our tradition alive because we believe that Ireland produces the best whiskey in the world. Our whiskey has proved to pass the test of time, delivering uncompromising quality for over 240 years. We’ve led the global renaissance in Irish whiskey and welcome visitors from across the world to our home every year.

Our Way

Inspired by our founders, we’ve protected our craft and family with fierce determination across the centuries. Their uncompromising commitment to do their best, use the best ingredients – and be the best – made us who we are today. Understated yet unstoppable. Supportive but adventurous. Independent, with a talent for collaboration.

Constantly reinventing ourselves, but never changing what really matters: the quality of what we make and the integrity with which we make it. Our forefathers were pioneers. We too are working on new frontiers, teaching timeless skills to the next generation and introducing Irish Distillers to new markets. We continue to innovate to this day with our Micro Distillery allowing us to explore experimental new mash bills and distillates.

Our collaboration with other producers has led to developing new maturation techniques and products for whiskey lovers to enjoy. Yet what makes us proudest of all is the fact that as we write the next chapter in our story, the spirit of our founders lives on and burns bright.

ger buckley master cooper irish distillers (3)

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